Agile Coaching

Agile Coaching complements our Training in that we work directly
with your teams and management to evaluate your current situation and
identify specific targeted training and hands-on mentoring required to
achieve your organizational goals. Depending on the circumstances, we
may work with your software developers, your CEO and every level of
the organization in between to identify and guide the implementation
of changes required to maximize your business agility.
With Agile Coaching you can expect to:
- Obtain a deeper understanding of the Agile practices
- Learn how to increase product quality while simultaneously improving
team productivity
- Implement Agile practices on your team, with a goal of continual
improvement as the teams garner more experience
- Learn how to implement development practices such as Continuous
Integration and Test-Driven Development (TDD), including
strategies for working with legacy code bases.
- Help supporting teams and upper management understand Agility as
appropriate for their role, desire, and need for understanding
- Understand the cultural changes that can help with a transition to
being Agile
Our coaching helps you implement the solutions that help your
organization achieve the goals most important to you.